Childcare Funded Programmes
City and County Childcare Committees (CCCs) were established in 2001 They are funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) and act as a local agent for DCYA in the administration of all aspects of national early childhood care and education programmes and the implementation of the government priorities for the delivery of quality childcare services. The CCCs are often the first port of call for both parents and childcare providers when trying to access many of today’s early years care and education initiatives.

Tipperary Childcare Committee Staff
“Superb service. Extremely helpful and reliable always. They do however drink your tea when you visit them ;)”
Service Provider Manager
“The guys in TCCC are just excellent in every way, they go above and beyond and are always extremely helpful when I have to ring them, which is quite a lot. Credit where it’s due especially to Therese and Barbara. Excellent placing, amazing people”
Service Provider Manager
“Great support, courses and workshops. Thank you for your help!”