Childcare Funded Programmes
There are two Government funded childcare support schemes in operation. Childcare services enter into a contract with the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to receive funding to deliver childcare through the support schemes.
Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE)
If a child is eligible for the September start date but the parent decides not to start him/her for a little longer. The child can still join in on the ECCE scheme but will not get the full 2 years.
National Childcare Scheme (NCS)
The National Childcare Scheme provides subsidies to help parents meet the cost of quality Early Learning and Care and School Age Childcare. It will replace all previous targeted childcare support programmes with a single, streamlined and user friendly Scheme.
ECCE Calculator
Just enter your child’s date of birth in the ECCE Calculator (opposite) to find out your child’s eligibility for ECCE.
Frequently Asked Questions
Types Of Provision
There are many reasons why parents choose childcare in a centre based service for their children. For some it facilitates a return to work, training or education while others may simply want to see their child enjoy the socialisation and developmental benefits associated with quality childcare. There are many issues you need to consider when choosing the right childcare for your child, but the most important consideration is that you are happy and comfortable that you have made the right decision. Your right choice is the one that meets your child’s emotional and developmental needs and also meets your lifestyle needs. Step-by-step, this guide will help you choose the best available childcare for your child and you.
Types Of Childcare
There are a variety of options available when it comes to arranging childcare for your children. What suits you best depends on practical issues such as the hours that you work or study, where you live and the availability of places, as well as any personal preferences you may have for choosing a home or centre-based environment for your child. When choosing childcare it is important to take an honest look at what is best for your child’s personality and your parenting style.
Full Day Care
Over 5 hours, age range 0-6 years. Services covered under this definition are those offering a structured full day service for children which may include a part-time service and a sessional service also.
Part-Time Care
Up to 5 hours, age range 0-6 years. Services covered under this definition may include a sessional pre-school service for pre-school children not attending the part-time day care service. The service must provide the same physical environment including rest, play and sanitary facilities as for full day services
Sessional Care *
Up to 3.5 hours. This usually encompasses the ECCE and the age range is 2 years 6 months – 6 years. Children must be 3 years to avail of the ECCE funding but can be in a sessional service from 2years and 6months but will have to pay fees. Services covered by this definition may include pre-schools, playgroups, Montessori pre-schools, naoínraí
Parent & Toddler **
One morning per week, age range between 0 – 2.5 years. A Parent & Toddler Group is a local support group where parents and carers can meet to compare notes and develop friendships in a safe and friendly environment while their children play and socialise together. In a Parent & Toddler Group, each parent or carer is responsible for their own children at all times. The age of children would range from 0 to 2.5 years. Check out the Parent & Toddler page for a list of active groups in County Tipperary.
Drop-In *
Up to 2 hours. Services provided in shopping centres, leisure centres, hotels etc. on a temporary basis. In drop-in services the children are cared for over a period of not more than two hours.
Childminding – Homebased Care *
People who mind children for all or part of a day in the childminders home. Childminders who care for up to 5 children are legally required to notify their service to Health Service Executive, they receive an inspection from the Pre-school Services Officer. Childminders who care for 3 children or less are invited to voluntarily notify their service to Tipperary Childcare Committee. These Childminders receive an advisory visit to their home from a Development Officer of Tipperary Childcare Committee.
Please click below for a parents guide on choosing a childminder:
Afterschool or Afterschool Club **
Age range school going age 5/6 – 12 years. An out of school service is provided and takes responsibility for children when they are not in the school setting i.e. before school, after school and during school holidays. Out of school services should operate on the basis of an agreement between parents/carers and staff with ongoing structured links with local schools.
* Covered by Pre-School Regulations
** Not covered by Pre-School Regulations
Parent & Toddler Groups
A Parent & Toddler Group is a group of parents/carers and their children who meet regularly in a suitable location, for example, a community centre, parish or sports hall.
While these groups are great for giving children an opportunity to play and socialise in a safe supervised environment, they are also very beneficial for the parents/carers as they get to meet others in similar circumstances who live in their local area.
P&T groups provide a great support network where parents have an opportunity to share their experiences and advice.
Children learn to play and socialise with one another through different activities. They develop new skills and become independent which helps them greatly when they move on to pre-school and primary school. For more information on the Parent and Toddler Groups in your area you can contact Elaine on 062-64200 or email .