062 64200 info@tccc.ie

Pobal Compliance Visit

Pobal is contracted, on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Affairs (DCEDIY), to conduct compliance visits with each participating childcare service who operates one or more of the National Childcare Programmes:


Early Childhood Care and Education Scheme


Community Childcare Subvention Plus Scheme


National Childcare Scheme

The purpose of the Compliance Visit is to verify that:

That the children who have been registered with the DCEDIY under one of the Childcare Schemes are actually enrolled in and attending the service.

That the service is implementing the Fee Payment Policy approved by Roscommon Childcare Committee.

That the Fee Payment Policy, Parent Letters (where applicable),Calendars (where applicable) and Parental Statement are displayed in the service and that a copy signed by the parent/guardian of each child is on file.

That records are maintained of optional extra charges, deposits, voluntary donations and/or fees for additional hours and are in accordance with the Approved Fee Payment Policy of the service.

Evidence of the qualifications of staff working directly with ECCE children. Services in receipt of the Standard Capitation will have the qualifications of the Room Leader checked. Services in receipt of the Higher Capitation will have qualifications of both the Room Leader and Assistant checked.

For more information on Pobal Compliance visits see the Pobal Website

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